This page describes the different rights you have when downloading and using Sailing.Pics pictures and videos.
Are you in doubt or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Examples of use...
Sailor. If you are a sailor participating in a regatta, and you would like to use one of our pictures on Instagram, you should only look at the section: Personal Use (License).
Mom/dad/family/friends. If you are a relative or a friend, and you want a background picture on your PC, you should only turn to the section: Personal Use (License)
Organising Authority. If you are an Organising Authority arranging a regatta, and want to use our pictures on your website or in a magazine, you should consult the section: Organising Authority (License).
Business Partner/Sponsor. If you are a Business Partner/Sponsor to the Organising Authority and want to post a picture on your SoMe channels, you should look at the section: Organising Authority (License).
Sponsor - commercial advertising. If you are a sponsor of an event, and want to use one of our pictures in your commercial advertising, you should turn to the section: Commercial Use (License). Commercial use of images and videos is only permitted after written consent and payment to Sailing.Pics. Please contact us...
Press. If you are from the Press, please contact us...
Personal Use(License)
The following text describes what you as an individual (Personal Use) should keep in mind when downloading digital content from Sailing.Pics.
Sailing.Pics (photographers/videographers, and associated business partners) ("Content Provider") grants personal user a non-exclusive perpetual personal-use license to download and/or use the accompanying image(s) or video(s) (collectively, "Media,") subject to the following restrictions:
This license is for personal use only on; personal websites, computers and SoMe channels.The license applies to worldwide use.
Personal use means non-commercial use of the Media. The Media may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. The Media may not be resold, relicensed, or sub-licensed.
The Media may not be used in advertising or anything that can be associated with advertising.
The Media may not be used in PR without written consent from Content Provider.
Title and ownership, and all rights now and in the future, of and for the Media remain exclusively with the Content Provider.
There are no warranties, express or implied. The Media are provided 'as is.'
It is not allowed to make any alteration or editing of any image, other than cropping in relation to publication.
Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner.
Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks.
The Content Provider will not be liable for any third party claims or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or your use of the Media.
Organising Authority (License)
Organising Authority includes the; Event Organising Authority itself, their business partners and sponsors.
Sailing.Pics (photographers/videographers, and associated business partners) ("Content Provider") grants the Organising Authority a non-exclusive perpetual license to download and/or use the accompanying image(s) or video(s) (collectively, "Media,") subject to the following restrictions:​
This license is for use only: On Websites, in SoMe channels, in PR (newsletters, magazines, radio and television). The license applies to worldwide use.
Organising Authority use means non-commercial use of the Media. The Media may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. The Media may not be resold, relicensed, or sub-licensed.
The Media may not be used in commercial advertising or anything that can be associated with commercial advertising.
All use must include a credit to the Content Provider - Please ask for guidance...
Title and ownership, and all rights now and in the future, of and for the Media remain exclusively with the Content Provider.
There are no warranties, express or implied. The Media are provided 'as is.'
It is not allowed to make any alteration or editing of any image, other than cropping in relation to publication.
Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner.
Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks.
The Content Provider will not be liable for any third party claims or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or your use of the Media.
Commercial Use (License)
Commercial use of images and videos is only permitted after written consent and payment to Sailing.Pics. Please contact us...
Sailing.Pics (Photographer or videographer) ("Content Provider") grants you a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide license to use the accompanying image(s) or video(s) (collectively, "Media,") for permitted commercial purposes, defined as:
Advertising, promotion, brochures, packaging
As part of a commercial website for promotional purposes (maximum 800x600 pixels) use
Prints, posters, flyers, tear sheets for promotional purposes (not for resale)
Prints, posters, or other commercial display of Media
Magazines, books, newspapers, other printed publications
Video, broadcast, theatrical
What you may not do:
Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited.
Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner.
Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks.
Media may not be made available for download.
Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media.
There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file.
The Content Provider not will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer\'s use of the Media.